The Non-Prosecution Agreement that created the Alpha Foundation was extremely groundbreaking and ingenious in redirecting retribution monies from the mining industry back into directly supporting miner safety and health.” Keith Heasley, Alpha Foundation Director and C.T Holland Professor, West Virginia University
Men and women who mine the materials that make our modern lives comfortable and productive, do their work in environments that must be made as safe and healthy as possible. The Alpha Foundation vision is to support research that develops state-of-the-art scientific knowledge to achieve this end. We must leverage the creative energy of scientists
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The Alpha Foundation believes that good scientific research on mine safety and health is a key to sustaining the viability of the mining sector. Only by knowing what the facts are industry, labor and the public officials can make sound decisions on practices and policies that support the safety and health of the workforce and
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In developing the research priority areas, the Alpha Foundation has attempted to expand the knowledge base of mining safety and health information, address gaps and critical areas and encourage projects that can lead to resolving complex mining safety and health problems.” Dr. Michael Karmis, Stonie Barker Professor, Department of Mining and Minerals Engineering & Director, Virginia
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The Alpha Foundation and its Directors are looking forward to working with the mining safety and health research community and all stakeholders to advance projects that can fulfill the Foundation’s vision of eliminating work-related injury and disease for the nation’s miners.” Keith Heasley, Alpha Foundation Director and C.T Holland Professor, West Virginia University