Large Scale Testing and Modeling of Supported and Unsupported Pillar Analogs Colorado School of Mines (Grant AFC820-52)
Large Scale Testing and Modeling of Supported and Unsupported Pillar Analogs Colorado School of Mines (Grant AFC820-52)
A Practical, Mechanics-Based Approach to Pillar Design West Virginia University (Grant number AFC719-15)
Fundamental Investigation into Pillar Design and Global Stability by Integrating Pillar Load and Opening Convergence Response University of Kentucky (Grant Number AFC719-49)
Numerical Modeling of Overburden and Pillar Mechanics for Determination of Global Ground Stability in Underground Coal Mines Colorado School of Mines (Grant Number AFC719-67)
A New Generation of Web-Based Applications for Mine Design Published in Proceedings 36th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, Morgantown, WV, 2017 Newman, C. Agioutantis, Z. and Schaefer, N.
Current Progress in the Development Of The WebGroundControl Application Published as Preprint 17-032 at SME Annual Meeting 2017, Denver, CO Newman, C. Agioutantis, Z. and Schaefer, N.
The Development of a Web-Based Platform for Ground Control Applications Published as Preprint 16-121 at SME Annual Meeting 2016, Phoenix, AZ Agioutantis, Z. and Newman, C.
A Hybrid Geopolymer-Biopolymer Cementitious Material for Pumpable Roof Support University of Arizona (Grant Number AFC518-24)
Enhanced Ground Control Assessment for Improving Safety in Mine Design University of Kentucky (Grant Number AFC215-13)
The Precise Determination of Rockbolt Performance Underground Southern Illinois University Carbondale (Grant Number AFSTI14-04)
Numerical Modeling Methodologies for Assessing Burst Potential in Coal Mines Colorado School of Mines (Grant Number AFC113-02)
Numerical Modeling Methodologies for Assessing Burst Potential in Coal Mines 1st Solicitation for Single Investigator Research Grants Colorado School of Mines, Final Technical Report (AFC113-2)
Analyses of De-Confinement Mechanisms of Unstable Failures in Underground Mining Conditions 33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2014 Gu, R. and Ozbay, U.
Energy concepts in the analysis of unstable coal pillar failure Presentation at 33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2014 Gu, R. and Ozbay, U.
Contribution of Shear Slip in a Widespread Compressive Pillar Failure 49th American Rock Mechanics Association, 2015 Poeck, E. C., Garvey, R., Zhang, K., and Ozbay, U.
Effect of Coal-Rock Interface Properties on Failure Stability of Coal Pillars Expressed in Energy Terms 49th American Rock Mechanics Association Zhang, K., Poeck, E. C., Garvey, R., and Ozbay, U.
Analyses of De-Confinement Mechanisms of Unstable Failures in Underground Mining Conditions 33rd International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2104 Gu, R. and Ozbay, U.
Energy Concepts in the Analysis of Unstable Coal Pillar Failures 34th International Conference on Ground Control in Mining, 2015 Poeck, E. C., Zhang, K., Garvey, R., and Ozbay, U.
The Precise Monitoring of Rockbolt Performance Underground Short-Term Innovative and Exploratory Research Grant ASTI14-4 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Final Technical Report