Our Grant Program

Our Grant Program

Providing Research Grants for All Mining…


The Alpha Foundation is seeking to award research addressing the root causes of disease, injuries, and fatalities in the mining industry and achieve successful implementation of practical solutions derived from the research effort.

The Foundation is committed to fund projects that explore innovative ideas and concepts, complement existing research efforts and address knowledge or technology gaps in mine safety and health. To this end, cooperative research efforts with mining entities, stakeholder groups and state and federal institutions are encouraged. The Foundation plan is a balanced approach, incorporating a blend of engineering and health science with behavioral science and training, needed to solve mining safety and health problems.

Grant Portfolio

Health and Safety

These studies encompass efforts devoted to prevention by design whereby engineering controls, mine design, machine design, or use of personal protective equipment or safety and health technologies are used to prevent conditions, circumstances, or events that cause illness, disease, injury or death to mine workers.

AFC518-10_Concept Summary

Improving Communication in Noise for Miners Wearing Hearing Protection

University of Connecticut Health Center (Grant Number AFC518-10)


Analysis of Coal Mine Seal Integrity from Explosively Driven Projectiles

Missouri University of Science & Technology (Grant number AFC719-31)


A Practical, Mechanics-Based Approach to Pillar Design

West Virginia University (Grant number AFC719-15)


Validation of the Gas and Dust Explosion Model

West Virginia University (Follow-Up Grant Number ASTI14FO-82)


Advanced Low Noise Fan Array System

Virginia Tech (Follow-Up Grant Number AFC215FO-71)


Numerical Analysis of Gas Explosions in Coal Mines

University of Maryland (Follow-Up Grant AFC215FO-73)

AFC518-48 Concept Summary

Flying Underground

Colorado School of Mines (Grant AFC518-48)


Collecting mine dust particles with liquid-coated vibrating meshes, Phase 2

Second Phase Technology Development Grants (AFC518SP)

Virginia Tech (Grant AFC518SP-89)