IDERF Outputs

Reports, Publications, and Presentations

Providing Research Grants for All Mining…


A priority for the Foundation is to make the results of the research efforts broadly available so that the solutions derived from the studies can be implemented by the mining industry or used by other researchers and practitioners to further advance these research agendas.

The outputs from funded projects, including final project reports as well as related publications and presentations, are provided here.


Musculoskeletal Disorders
  • Final Technical Reports
  • Other Publications
  • Presentations

Whole Body Vibration Exposure and Injury Prevention of Heavy Equipment Operators on Open Pit Coal Mines

1st Solicitation for Single Investigator Research Grants (AFC113)

Northeastern University (Grant AFC113-03)


Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exposure on Physiological Stresses in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators

Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618)

Oregon State University (Grant number AFC618-38)


Evaluating the Effects of Multi-axial Whole Body Vibration Exposure on Postural Stability in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators

Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618)

Oregon State University (Grant number AFC618-68)

AFC113-3_Northeaster_Annals of Work Exposures and Health

Whole Body Vibration Exposure and Injury Prevention of Heavy Equipment Operators in Open Pit Coal Mines

Published in Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 61(6); 669–680, 2017.

Marín, L. S., Rodríguez, A. C., Rey-Becerra, E., Piedrahita, H., Barrero, L. H., Dennerlein, J., Johnson, P.

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