Methane Watchdog Network – A Cost Effective Approach to Longwall Methane Monitoring and Control West Virginia University (Grant AFC719-68)
Methane Watchdog Network – A Cost Effective Approach to Longwall Methane Monitoring and Control West Virginia University (Grant AFC719-68)
Study of the Impact of Macro-Seal Fractures on Seal Integrity University of Kentucky (Grant number AFCRFP20-131)
Research and Refinement of a Methane Watchdog System to Improve Longwall Mine Safety West Virginia University (Grant Number AFC719FO-100)
Application of Pressure Balancing Techniques at the West Elk Coal Mine University of Utah (Grant number AFC113FO-87)
Numerical Analysis of Gas Explosions in Coal Mines University of Maryland (Follow-Up Grant AFC215FO-73)
Validation of the Gas and Dust Explosion Model West Virginia University (Follow-Up Grant Number ASTI14FO-82)
Investigating the Impact of Rock Rubble on Methane-Air Explosions: High-speed Turbulent Deflagrations and Transition to Detonations Colorado School of Mines (Follow-Up Grant Number ASTI14-69)
Analysis of Coal Mine Seal Integrity from Explosively Driven Projectiles Missouri University of Science & Technology (Grant number AFC719-31)
Management with Bag Barriers of Dust Explosion Risks in U.S. Underground Coal Mines Missouri University of Science and Technology (Grant Number AFC215-41)
Numerical Tools for Mitigation of Methane Explosions in Coal Mines University of Maryland (Grant Number AFC215-20)
Development of a Gas and Dust Explosion Model West Virginia University (Grant Number AFSTI14-05)
Combustion Modeling of Explosive Gas Zones in Longwall Gobs Colorado School of Mines (Grant Number AFSTI14-02)
Control of Spontaneous Combustion Using Pressure Balancing Techniques University of Utah (Grant Number AFC113-12)
Development of a New Rock Dust Sampling Instrument Colorado School of Mines (Grant Number AFC113-01)