Refining silica and other dust particle classification by optical light microscopy Virginia Tech (Grant AFC316FO-84)
Refining silica and other dust particle classification by optical light microscopy Virginia Tech (Grant AFC316FO-84)
A Holistic Approach to Reducing Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis (CWP) using Integrated Monitoring and Response Systems for Respirable Dust in Surface Mines and Facilities Solicitation for Holistic Mining Safety and Health Research Efforts (AFC417) Penn State University (Grant AFC417-39)
Integrating Real-Time Personal Dust Exposure Monitoring with Location Tracking Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) Colorado School of Mines (Grant AFC820-50)
Validation of the Gas and Dust Explosion Mode Short-Term Innovative and Exploratory Research Grant AFSTI Follow Up Research West Virginia University (Grant AFSTI14FO-82)
Enhanced Ground Control Assessment for Improving Safety in Mine Design 2nd Solicitation for Single Investigator Research Grants University of Kentucky (Grant AFC215-13)
Systematic Evaluation of Multi-axial Suspension to Reduce Whole Body Vibration Exposures in Heavy Equipment Mining Vehicle Operators 3rd Solicitation for Research Grants (AFC316) Oregon State University (Grant AFC316-61)
Support Design Using the Ground Reaction Curve and Support Reaction Curves at Underground Limestone Mines American Rock Mechanics Association. Castillo J., Cardenas Triana, C. and Agioutantis, Z
Proof-Of-Concept Work to Demonstrate Optical Microscopy with Image Analysis as A Tool for Semi-Continuous Coal Mine Dust Monitoring Follow up Research to 3rd Solicitation for Research Grants (AFC316FO) Virginia Tech (Grant AFC316FO-74)
Analysis of Coal Mine Seal Integrity from Explosively Driven Projectiles Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Missouri University of Science and Technology (Grant AFC719-31)
PoroSense: An Intrinsically Safe, Distributed Fiber-optic Gas Sensing Platform for Underground Mines Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Virginia Tech (Grant number AFC719-29)
Systematic Evaluation of Multi-axial Suspension to Reduce Whole Body Vibration Exposures in Heavy Equipment Mining Vehicle Operators Oregon State University (Grant AFC316-61)
Methane Watchdog Network – A Cost Effective Approach to Longwall Methane Monitoring and Control West Virginia University (Grant AFC719-68)
Prototype Development of a Hybrid Geopolymer-Biopolymer Cementitious Material For Pumpable Roof Support University of Arizona (Grant AFC518SP-94)
Early-Warning Safety Hazard Predictor for Preventive Ventilation Management University of Nevada Reno (Grant AFC114-03)
Development of Guidance for the Selection and Use of Atmospheric Monitoring Systems to Improve Decision-Making During Routine and Post-Accident Operations Penn State University (Grant AFC215-01)
Study of the Impact of Macro-Seal Fractures on Seal Integrity University of Kentucky (Grant number AFCRFP20-131)
Time Dependent Pumpable Roof Support Assessment University of Arizona (Grant number AFCRFP20-123)
Towards Reducing Rib Hazards in Underground Coal Mines by Improvement of the Coal Pillar Rib Rating (CPRR) System Missouri University of Science & Technology (Grant number AFCRFP20-112)
Minimizing Rib Failure Hazard: Mapping Tool and Demonstration for Low Cost, High Resolution Rib Monitoring Colorado School of Mines (Grant number AFCRFP20-111)
Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring in Underground Coal Mines: Long Term Critical Trend Analysis and Tablet-Based Communication University of Kentucky (Grant Number AFCTG20-103)
Mine-Specific, Geology-Dependent Pillar and Standing-Support Design Tools West Virginia University (Grant Number AFC719FO-101)
Research and Refinement of a Methane Watchdog System to Improve Longwall Mine Safety West Virginia University (Grant Number AFC719FO-100)
Methane Watchdog System – A Cost Effective Approach to Longwall Methane Monitoring and Control Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) West Virginia University (Grant AFC719-68)
Numerical Modeling of Overburden and Pillar Mechanics for Determination of Global Ground Stability in Underground Coal Mines Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Colorado School of Mines (Grant AFC719-67)
Control of Hazardous Gas Emissions to Longwall Face and Bleeder System: Laboratory Experiments, Modeling and Field Monitoring Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Penn State University (Grant AFC719-27)