Exploration of Temporal Changes in Respirable Coal Mine Dust Characteristics Virginia Tech (Grant Number AFCTG104)
Exploration of Temporal Changes in Respirable Coal Mine Dust Characteristics Virginia Tech (Grant Number AFCTG104)
Elucidating the Individual and Combined Toxicity of Coal Mine Dust Constituents and Their Contribution to disease in Modern US Coal Miners University of Illinois (Grant AFC820-59)
The Effect of Coal and Mine Respirable Dust Size on Lung Cells and Exposure Assessment Colorado State University (Grant AFC820-43)
Reducing Mortality Risks in the Extended Diesel Exhaust and Miners Study (DEMS) University of California at Berkeley (Grant AFC820-15)
Asthma-and COPD-Associated Inflammasome Activation Induced by Rock Dust University of the Pacific (Grant number AFC719-12)
Evaluating a Virtual ‘Community of Practice’ in Pneumoconiosis Mortality Hotspots in the United States University of New Mexico (Grant number AFC719-14)
Evaluation of Silicosis, Asthma and COPD among Sand and Gravel and Stone Surface Miners Michigan State University (Grant Number AFC719-35)
Characteristics of Dust and Risk Factors Associated with the Development of Rapidly Progressive Pneumoconiosis and Progressive Massive Fibrosis University of Illinois (Grant Number AFC417-1)
The Effect Of Dust Particles On Airway Mucus Viscosity And Mucociliary Transport University of California, Merced (Grant Number: AFC618-01)
Revisiting Lung Cancer Risk from Silica Exposure in Miners: Proposed Standards, Prevailing Biases, and Modern Methodology University of California, Berkeley (Grant Number AFC215-31)
Connecting Dust Characteristics and Worker Health in Underground Coal Mining University of Pittsburgh (Grant Number AFC113-11)