Opiod Training Info_Preventing_Opioid_Harms_in_SSG_Mining_Slidea
Opioid Training Info – Preventing Opioid Harms in SSG Mining Slides Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Grant AFC820-14)
Opioid Training Info – Preventing Opioid Harms in SSG Mining Slides Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Grant AFC820-14)
Opioid Training Info – Preventing Opioid Harms in Mining Slides (All Sectors) Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Grant AFC820-14)
Opioid Training Info – Instructors Guide Opioid Module (All Sectors) Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Grant AFC820-14)
Opioid Training Info – EmployerGuide (All Sectors) Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Opioid Training Info – Employer Guide to Preventing Opioid Harms Stone, Sand, and Gravel Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Grant AFC820-14)
Opioid Hazard Awareness Training for Sand, Stone and Gravel Workers Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Massachusetts, Lowell (Grant AFC820-14)
Autonomous Robotic Early Warning System for Underground Stone Mining Safety Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) West Virginia University (Grant AFC820-69)
Exploration of Temporal Changes in Respirable Coal Mine Dust Characteristics Targeted Grant Proposals 2020 Virginia Tech (Grant AFCTG20-104)
Roof Bolting Module Automation for Enhancing Miner Safety Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of Kentucky (Grant AFC820-68)
Reducing Mortality Risks in the Extended Diesel Exhaust and Miners Study Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC820) University of California at Berkeley (Grant AFC820-15)
Research and Refinement of a Methane Watchdog System to Improve Longwall Mine Safety Follow up solicitation f0r Targeted Topics in Mining Safety and Health Research West Virginia University (Grant AFC719FO-100)
2022 Alpha Foundation Annual Report
The Mining Healthy Workplace Program (MHWP) University of Connecticut Health Center (Grant AFC113-09)
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hard Rock Underground Miners Targeted Grant Proposals 2020 University of California, San Francisco (Grant AFCTG20-98)
Proof-of-Concept Work to Demonstrate Optical Microscopy with Image Analysis as a Tool for Semi-continuous Coal Mine Dust Monitoring (Grant AFC316FO-74)
Prototype Development of a Hybrid Geopolymer-Biopolymer Cementitious Material For Pumpable Roof Support Solicitation and Call for Proposals for Technology Development Grants – Follow up Research University of Arizona (Grant AFC518SP-94)
Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety and Post-Traumatic Stress among Coal Miners compared to others Occupational Groups in a Population Survey in the Appalachia Region University of California, San Francisco (Grant AFCTG22R2-157)
Integrated Roof Strata Reaction Curves (RSRCs) for Roof Bolt Design with Standing Support Ground Reaction Curve (GRC) Design for Longwall Gateroad Support Optimization West Virginia University (Grant AFCTG22-154)
Improvement of Rib Support Design Utilizing Recent Advancements of the Coal Pillar Rib Rating (CPRR) System Missouri University of Science and Technology (Grant AFCTG22-152)
Coal Mining Employment as a Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis Follow up Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618SP) University of California, San Francisco (Grant AFC618SP-94)
2018 SME/PCMIA Annual Joint Meeting Dr. Thomas M. Barczak, Foundation Technical Director Highlights of the Alpha Foundation Research Program Presentation
2021 Annual Report
The 2020 Annual Report
Identifying and Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone and Sand and Gravel Mining Operations Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Indiana University (Grant AFC719-34)
Investigating the impact of rock rubble on methane-air explosions: High-speed Turbulent Deflagrations and transition to Detonations Short-Term Innovative and Exploratory Research Projects – Follow up Research Colorado School of Mines (Grant AFSTI14FO-69)