Identifying and Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone and Sand and Gravel Mining Operations Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Indiana University (Grant AFC719-34)
Identifying and Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone and Sand and Gravel Mining Operations Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Indiana University (Grant AFC719-34)
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exposure on Physiological Stresses in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618) Oregon State University (Grant number AFC618-38)
Evaluating the Effects of Multi-axial Whole Body Vibration Exposure on Postural Stability in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618) Oregon State University (Grant number AFC618-68)
Whole Body Vibration Exposure and Injury Prevention of Heavy Equipment Operators on Open Pit Coal Mines 1st Solicitation for Single Investigator Research Grants (AFC113) Northeastern University (Grant AFC113-03)