Identifying and Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone and Sand and Gravel Mining Operations Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Indiana University (Grant AFC719-34)
Identifying and Assessing Risk Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone and Sand and Gravel Mining Operations Solicitation and Call for Proposals (AFC719) Indiana University (Grant AFC719-34)
Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hard Rock Underground Miners University of California, San Francisco (Grant Number AFCTG20-98)
Effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exposure on Physiological Stresses in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618) Oregon State University (Grant number AFC618-38)
Evaluating the Effects of Multi-axial Whole Body Vibration Exposure on Postural Stability in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators Exploratory Research Projects Regarding Mining-Related Health Problems (AFC618) Oregon State University (Grant number AFC618-68)
Coal Mining Employment as a Risk Factor for Rheumatoid Arthritis University of California, San Francisco (Second Phase Funding Grant AFC618SP-88)
Identifying and Assessing Risks Factors Associated with Musculoskeletal Disorders within Stone and Sand and Gravel Mining Operations Indiana University (Grant Number AFC719-34)
Evaluation of commercially available seat suspensions to reduce whole body vibration exposures in mining heavy equipment vehicle operators Published in Applied Ergonomics, 2018 Kim H. K., Marin L.S., Dennerlein J.T.
Whole Body Vibration Exposure and Injury Prevention of Heavy Equipment Operators in Open Pit Coal Mines Published in Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 61(6); 669–680, 2017. Marín, L. S., Rodríguez, A. C., Rey-Becerra, E., Piedrahita, H., Barrero, L. H., Dennerlein, J., Johnson, P.
Using Wearable IMUs to Evaluate Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk in Underground Mining Activities South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (Grant Number: AFC618-13)
Evaluating the Effects of Multi-axial Whole Body Vibration Exposure on Postural Stability in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators Oregon State University (Grant Number: AFC618-68)
Effects of Whole Body Vibration Exposure on Physiological Stresses in Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicle Operators Oregon State University (Grant Number: AFC618-38)
Coal Mining Risk of Arthritis, Including Auto-Immune Rheumatologic Disease University of California, San Francisco (Grant Number: AFC618-04)
Whole Body Vibration Exposure and Injury Prevention of Heavy Equipment Operators on Open Pit Coal Mines 1st Solicitation for Single Investigator Research Grants (AFC113) Northeastern University (Grant AFC113-03)
Assessment of Continuous and Impulsive Whole Body Vibration Exposures In Heavy Equipment Mining Vehicles Published in Proceedings of International Ergonomics Association (IEA), August 2015 Johnson, Peter W. et al.
Influence of Speed in Whole Body Vibration Exposure in Heavy Equipment Mining Vehicles Published in Proceedings of Paper Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Conference, Sept 2016 Marín, L. S., et al.
Influence of Speed in Whole Body Vibration Exposure n Mining Heavy Equipment Vehicles Published in 6th American Conference on Human Vibration (ACHV), June 2016 Johnson, Peter W., et al.
Whole Body Vibration Exposure and Injury Prevention of Heavy Equipment Operators in Open Pit Coal Mines Northeastern University (Grant Number AFC113-03)